
Indahnya Ramadan

3:32 PM


Ramadhan is a beautiful month for me, living in an urban community where I am surrounded by different races and background we try our best to be understanding and respectful with each others' religion and culture. During Ramadhan, my non-Muslim friends takes extra effort to be observant with my beliefs and religious duties - they try not to eat in front of me while I'm fasting although I do not mind, they would buy snacks for me to break fast with when they know I'd be stuck in traffic on the way home and best part of all, some of them even try to fast with me! It helps them with their diet (or so they say). These little things by my friends of different races and religions make Ramadhan even more beautiful. Even Soba (my cat) tries to fast with me but I guess it's much harder for her than it is for me lol

I also try to increase my charitable deeds during Ramadhan by donating to the needy and join charity organisations like feeding the homeless whenever I can. The look on their faces make me feel like I should be thankful with what I have and share it with the less fortunate.

My parents have been great examples while growing up - they have always taught me that there are no hierarchies in life. Everyone should be treated equally and with respect. With that, I grew up with parents who taught me qualities to be a good person regardless of religion, race and background. I remember when my parents brought me to orphanage homes, we would treat them with McDonald’s Happy Meals. They have always reminded me that I'm lucky while some people are just less fortunate but it does not mean that I'm better off than they are. With that, I also try to practice giving outside of Ramadhan - even when I'm traveling. 

This is the second year I will be spending my Ramadhan with my husband. I remember the first time I tried cooking for sahur for both of us and it was hilarious! There were times when we were too sleepy that we skipped sahur and ended up being too weak and hungry. These days we just buy our sahur or do drive-thrus at McDonald’s. It's so much easier, less time consuming and we get the fuel we need to last throughout the day. I can't wait to try the Grilled Chicken Breakfast Platter or Big Breakfast with Hotcakes. Pretty sure I'll go with the grilled chicken while point8cam will choose the hotcakes.

Oh, that also reminds me that we have to go shop for Raya clothes! We wore white last year, what do you think should be our color theme this year?

The best part about Ramadhan for me would be breaking fast! My friends and I like to gather for buka puasa even though some of them are non-Muslims and not fasting. We will either do a pot luck, or buy our food at the bazaar. It's the best part of Ramadhan for me at least - to be surrounded by loved ones and share our meals together. We will also spend more time with both our families at home despite our busy schedule. Ramadhan will never be complete without sharing our meals and spending time together.

A favourite buka puasa meal that we love to enjoy together is the McDonald’s Ramadhan special – Foldover Lazeez and Foldover Mashwi. It is the simplest, quickest and most convenient way for us to berbuka together during the busy week.

I'm hoping that this year I'd be able to complete Ramadhan by not just fasting but also by increasing my charitable deeds. I hope to be able to give more to the needy, possibly buying meals for more homeless people and observe the month by spending more time with myself, God and my loved ones. I hope this year's Ramadhan will be better than before and I wish the same to you too! 

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  1. Ramadan Mubarak to you, your husband and Soba! I use to follow your instagram because I am your Soba's secret admirer but I am not able to do this anymore. It seems I have to join instagram to be able to see other ppl's instagrams!

    from NZ

