
Join Me for a #SkinRetreat & Workshop in Bali with Cetaphil

5:11 PM

Bali is known for its holistic tourism, other than the pristine natural landscapes so it is only apt that this year’s Cetaphil Experience will be held in the famous Karma Kandara resort and spa. Just like last year, Cetaphil is sending influencers and one lucky contest winner to experience a 4 days 3 nights’ worth of workshops and retreat worth RM15,000. There are also 2000 RM5 Cetaphil vouchers and 8 Cetaphil hampers worth RM250 each to be given away to lucky winners who participates in the contest. 

All you have to do is:

1 – Go to this website - http://bit.ly/HanieCetaphilExperience
2 - Provide your details as per required and provide proof of purchase.
3 – Tell them what skin insecurities you have and how the experience can help you with your insecurities. 
4 – Submit and wait for the announcement of winners!

Contest runs from 26 May - 1 July 2016. Purchase in-store or online to participate. Contest is open to all residents of Malaysia.

I used photo-manipulation as an excuse to look better but I also gained some editing skills through the practice.

I have also participated in the contest by sharing my story. Growing up I never had perfect skin – severe acne was a big part of my high school life and it really affected me physically and emotionally. It was partly caused by using the wrong products, and mostly hormonal and genetic influences. I was ashamed of how I looked when I wanted to feel pretty, and tried to cover them with all kinds of makeup without the proper knowledge, which made everything worse. For years I suffered even doing the simplest task of washing my face. It was always a bloody affair, literally. At this point my father noticed how it affected me and he took the initiative to get me professionally checked and treated. My skin condition improved – I no longer had big, red bumps covering my skin and the bleeding stopped. The only thing left was to wait for it to heal so I can rid the scars and maintain a healthier skin. 

Being comfortable in my skin was the hardest part but I turned that through documenting my journeys via photos.

At the age of 28, I still am not fully equipped with enough knowledge of my skin and how to treat it. I get the occasional zits, nothing too serious but I still have some scars and enlarged pores to deal with. I’m always trying out new products and reading more to find something that would suit my skin while also taking care of my internal health like quitting harmful substances that could accelerate the deterioration of my skin. I try to drink more water than I used to, and cleanse properly before bedtime. It’s still not enough as I am on a quest to learn more so I could improve the condition of my skin. 

I stopped covering up with makeup every single time as the first step in accepting my skin.

I stumbled upon Cetaphil during my trip to America. I’ve always seen it in drugstores everywhere but I never actually felt like trying it until the day I finished my cleanser while traveling and there was a Cetaphil travel-sized bottle that was on the shelves and I thought, “Why not? I needed something small so I can leave it when I leave”. That was my first time using a Cetaphil cleanser and I loved it. I found out that for sensitive skin, non-foaming cleansers are best and does not irritate. Unlike some products, my skin showed no negative reaction to the Cetaphil cleanser hence I kept using it. Even my husband bought their body moisturizer during the same trip and loved it. It helped keep his skin supple as it was dry and cold in winter – dry rashes became a thing of the past for us.

I feel like this trip would help me understand my skin better while I learn more about overall health and confidence, outside and within. As part of the retreat, there will be professionals conducting workshops on skin confidence – something I totally need. I am still uncomfortable in my own skin, despite overcoming teen acne, and recovering over the years. As I grow older, there will be more skin woes that I will be facing and I hope the workshops would help me through it, allowing me to discover myself and that beauty is more than just skin-deep. 

So join the contest and hopefully together we could discover and learn more about our skin, each other and most importantly ourselves! 

Contest details:

Also check out their social pages, lots of skincare tips:

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